Full Circle Wellness Interviews

Keri Nola


Keri Nola From the first moment that I sat down to talk with Keri Nola I knew I was in the presence of someone truly special. Keri has the power of a woman who has been a star in her field, the compassion of woman who has known the own depths of the human journey, [...]

Keri Nola2017-01-14T14:58:51+00:00

Scott Forsgren


Scott Forsgren of “Better Health Guy” was one of the first beacons of light I found in the online health world when I first found myself adrift in the abyss of chronic illness. When I was first diagnosed I joined all the relevant “Yahoo Groups” and online communities focused on symptoms and diagnosis. Like so [...]

Scott Forsgren2017-01-14T14:58:58+00:00

Jessie Kuehn


I had the honor of being one of a handful of entrepreneurs who received a sneak preview into Jessie's works almost two years ago and I was smitten from the first moment. Jesse's innate gifts for healing weaves so perfectly with her brilliant intellect and powerful gifts for guiding women to whole wellness. Since that [...]

Jessie Kuehn2017-01-14T14:59:05+00:00

Lauren Tober


Lauren Tober is a true light in the world. Don't be fooled by her soft voice and gentle energy, she can hold more space than any healer I've known and has heart and soul for miles. Lauren is a clinical psychologist and yoga practitioner who has made it her life's work to create positive life [...]

Lauren Tober2017-01-28T08:49:43+00:00

Carisa Montooth


Carisa has found a way to use the understanding of personalities to build a framework of how to better interact with those around us to change the way we live our lives.  She doesn’t believe we have to have it one way or another – and she focuses on helping women to have it all [...]

Carisa Montooth2017-01-14T14:59:18+00:00

Patty Hayes


Patty Hayes Patty makes no claims about it being easy. In fact she isn’t afraid to talk about the deep dark ugly realities of heart-ache, loss and recovery. In her book “Wine, Sex and Suicide” Patty tells the story of her “near death divorce” and how she came out the other side. Her upcoming book [...]

Patty Hayes2017-01-28T08:55:47+00:00

Connie Curtis


Connie Curtis Connie is a breath of fresh air in the realm of health coaches and healing. Her charm is in her direct and humble nature and her willingness to share her journey from the heart. She shares her path from diagnosis to healing and offers tips and insights for how you can find your [...]

Connie Curtis2017-01-28T08:59:37+00:00

Lottie Ryan


Charlotte Ryan Faced with one of the most challenging health journeys we have featured on the Shift Series Lottie Ryan did an unexpected thing.  She used her own healing steps (not once, but twice!) to pull herself out of the darkest pain and despair and then cast a gorgeous feminine light on how to walk [...]

Lottie Ryan2017-01-28T09:00:49+00:00

Mike Iamele


Mike Iamele Mike Iamele radiates honestly, truth, and transparency in all things. Mike has experienced the highs of early success and all the financial and social rewards that come with it. But he has also experienced the deep depths that come from frightening diagnosis at a young age and having to change your entire life [...]

Mike Iamele2017-01-28T09:10:54+00:00

Chara Armon


Chara Armon From the first moment we connected by phone months ago I knew I had found someone truly unique and magical in the realm of recovery and the healing arts. Chara is a unique blend of incredible “book smarts” with the biggest heart and most beautiful earth loving soul you will ever meet. It [...]

Chara Armon2017-01-28T08:49:55+00:00