Full Circle Wellness Interviews

Kathleen Bloom


Kathleen Bloom One of my favorite “jobs” as a steward of Chronic Wellness is introducing you to amazing experts in their field. Kathleen Bloom is one of those experts: she is like a sister, best friend, and intuitive powerhouse all wrapped into one. I’ve been working with Kathleen personally and am honored to have her [...]

Kathleen Bloom2017-01-28T09:49:07+00:00

Joanne Cohen


Joanne Cohen The are few who embody the divine feminine so fully as Joanne.  Through her work, her mentoring and her healing practice she touches women who are ready for deep change - and helps them bring that change forward in their lives with ease, grace, beauty, and power.  Learn about tips for presence to [...]

Joanne Cohen2017-01-28T09:49:44+00:00

Toni Bernhard


Toni Bernhard Toni Bernhard is the author of the award-winning How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers. Her new book is titled How to Wake Up: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide to Navigating Joy and Sorrow. Until forced to retire due to illness, Toni was a law professor and served as dean of [...]

Toni Bernhard2017-01-28T09:50:11+00:00

Elena Lipson


Elena Lipson Elena Lipson is a Divine Self-Care Mentor who helps conscious mamas take care of their most important asset: Themselves! Women work so hard in their businesses and in their lives as mothers, friends, wives, etc. But what is it all worth if they are too tired, sick and stressed-out to enjoy it? That’s [...]

Elena Lipson2017-01-28T09:50:38+00:00

Ashley Williams


Ashley Williams Ashley is ushering in a new generation of wellness beyond green smoothies and juice. After her own early diagnosis with chronic illness, she navigated her way to recovery through traditional holistic treatments and diet. Ashley attributes her healing in part to tracking ("that's how you see what is causing the problems and what [...]

Ashley Williams2017-01-28T09:51:10+00:00

Sharon Otness Foot


Sharon Otness Foot In this interview we explore how Sharon helps people increase their vitality and get the most out of their life. A Fully Vital Life Q: Tell us a little about yourself I have always been involved in the creative fields. First fashion both in merchandising and the agency side booking models. That [...]

Sharon Otness Foot2017-01-28T09:54:19+00:00

Aparna Khanolkar


Aparna Khanolkar Aparna is an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselor whose unique combination of Ayurvedic treatments, emotional processes, meditation, yoga and food as heart-based medicine leads people to overcome physical and emotional roadblocks that prevent them from fully enjoying life. Learn more at aparnakhanolkar.com. Aparna and Lindsay talk about wellness for your whole being. Learning from motherhood, Ayurveda, [...]

Aparna Khanolkar2017-01-28T09:53:33+00:00

Liz Scully


Liz Scully Liz and Lindsay talk about the power of passion to inspire personal transformation...in this case Liz's passion for cake. Q: Tell us a little about yourself Well, I’m Irish, I live in India and I spend most of my days coaching and giggling with clients and in between thinking about cake. It’s a [...]

Liz Scully2017-01-28T09:53:12+00:00

Libby Louer


Libby Louer Libby and Lindsay talk about a range of healing modalities, from conventional to the extraordinary. Libby Louer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Holistic Health Coach. Through following her intuition and trying every bizarre-sounding treatment she could find, she was able to heal completely from Lyme disease. Her mission is to [...]

Libby Louer2017-01-28T09:52:51+00:00

Ashley Donovan


Ashley Donovan Ashley Donovan is known as the ‘Self Love Nutritionist.’ She is Certified with the Association of American Drugless Practitioners as a Health Coach. She empowers women to stop feeling like an out-of-control, crazy person with food and to start doing things to be happier, feel lighter, and have a more fulfilling life.  Ashley [...]

Ashley Donovan2017-01-28T09:52:28+00:00