

About lindsay

Lindsay Pera is the co-founder and “Chief Gratitude Officer” of Full Circle Wellness Tools and believes in the power of fostering an authentic inspired relationship with yourself. She strives to share a message of conscious, whole wellness and practical tools for living a healthy, full life you love. Lindsay wants to live in a world where appreciation flows freely, kids play outdoors and lemons are in season year round.

Holistic Women’s Health Expert (Plus Natural Protocols for UTI and Night Sweats!)


Joanne Ameya Cohen has opened the doors to her transformation program "Cycles of Wisdom." It is a program that helps women uncover the root cause of their health challenges and release them so they can return to full and vibrant health. In this chat Joanne and I touch on the importance of building our intuition [...]

Holistic Women’s Health Expert (Plus Natural Protocols for UTI and Night Sweats!)2017-01-15T15:19:56+00:00

Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos


Everyone who is familiar with my story seems to have a highly idealized scene in their mind.  I quit my job, live in the country, commune with hummingbirds all day, and everything is perfect.  And while a lot of those things are true - the reality is of course - much more….well, REAL. We live [...]

Finding Calm Amidst the Chaos2017-01-26T12:15:48+00:00

Turning Straw into Gold


Six Common Misconceptions about the Chronically Ill What those who are healthy rarely understand about those who are sick or in pain * As seen in Pyschology Today More often than not, chronic illness and chronic pain go hand-in-hand, so when I use the term “chronically ill,” I’m including people who are in chronic pain. My hope [...]

Turning Straw into Gold2017-01-26T12:17:09+00:00

Sacred Circle of Support


“I’ll do it MY-Self” How many of us can see in our mind’s eye a fierce and (striving to be) independant toddler declaring his or her freedom and beginning to try to exert control over their world by stamping their foot and exclaiming “I do it MY-Self!” The sad thing is - how many of [...]

Sacred Circle of Support2017-01-26T12:18:19+00:00

Ayurveda 101


This week, I'm doing a live Shift chat with Aparna Khanolkar, who I had that wonderful video conversation with a few weeks back. Since Aparna's approach to health and life has deep foundations in the ancient traditions of Ayurveda, I thought I'd do a bit of an introduction to Ayurveda here. It's something that I'm very drawn to, not [...]

Ayurveda 1012017-01-26T12:19:46+00:00

3 quick ways to strengthen your digestion


This week I'm so pleased to offer this guest post from my friend Ashley Williams. Ashley is a bright light emerging on the urban wellness scene. After her own early heath challenges as an athlete in her teens, she navigated her way to recovery through holistic treatment and diet. Ashley attributes her healing to tracking [...]

3 quick ways to strengthen your digestion2017-01-26T12:21:33+00:00

Martha Beck: Wellness Diva


I’m not sure how I didn’t know who Martha Beck is until a couple of weeks ago.  I guess because I don’t have television...but if you do know of her, then you know that she is Oprah’s “favorite” life coach and is featured ALL over the place sharing insights and tips for wellness and creating [...]

Martha Beck: Wellness Diva2017-01-26T12:21:48+00:00

Intimacy and Health


So here’s the deal. There’s not that much information out there about wellness and intimacy. What role does intimacy play in our whole wellness...and what if it is an area we know we could use a little guidance and support? Health + Intimacy = ? or better yet - what about the question: can true [...]

Intimacy and Health2017-01-15T15:38:59+00:00

Staying focused during holiday stress


Holiday stress really can have a huge impact. Hi All, I’m reworking one of my early journal entries for the holiday period, and looking forward to taking a couple of weeks off for some much needed rest, recuperation, and revitalization. I also invite you to enjoy a guest video blog from Aparna Khalnokar. The beautiful [...]

Staying focused during holiday stress2017-01-26T12:23:21+00:00

Listening to the enemy


“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison…When I walked out of prison, that was my mission, to liberate the oppressed and the oppressor both.” — Nelson Mandela Last week’s passing of [...]

Listening to the enemy2017-01-15T15:40:13+00:00