Tom Pinkson, Ph. D

Talking with Tomas is like stepping into the private office of a true master walking the earth.  I am so thankful to call Tom a mentor, and am continually in awe of the way he walks in this world and the power of his word and work. In this Shift chat we explore the power of gratitude, awareness, and how we tell our personal “story” – as keys to aligning ourselves with our higher truth.  Establishing a “Right Relationship” to ourselves, eachother and nature is something that we all can achieve – and Tom helps thousands of people get there via his work, and his transforamtional books. “Fruitfull Aging” and “Lessons from the Huichol” – books on spirit and life medicine for the modern world.  Tom is the Full circle / Chronic Wellness resident expert on Sprituality and I could not be more excited to inroduce him to you in this interiview.  (Spoiler; He even sings be a song….#blessed) .  And tremendous gratitude to the forces that brought this tremendous man into our lives.  Enjoy

Lindsay and Tom talk about Lumosity (aka The Meaning of Life (for reals) and how to get it)

Lumosity (aka The Meaning of Life (for reals) and how to get it)

Q. Tell us a little about yourself
Tom Pinkson, Ph. D.,  serves as a bridge builder, translating indigenous wisdom to bring forth the intelligence and creativity of Spiritual Awakening, Emotional Well Being, Healing, and Living In Sustainable Balance with Mother Earth and the Circle of Life.
He is a psychologist, author, ceremonial retreat and vision-fast leader,  sacred storyteller, musician and spiritual guide. Tom completed an 11 year apprenticeship with Huichol shamans in Mexico. He helped start the first at-home Hospice program in the United States. For 32 years  he worked with terminally ill children and families at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in California successfully integrating the wisdom teachings of the Huichol and other medicine teachers into the world of the practicing psychologist.  Tom is founder of Wakan, a nonprofit organization committed to restoring the sacred in daily life and Recognition Rites Honoring Elders Program based on his latest book, Fruitful Aging: Finding the Gold in the Golden Years. He lives in Northern California with his wife Andrea of 44 years  enjoying his grown children and their families.

Q. What is your philosophy on healing or overcoming health challenges.
exploring what is needed to restore balance and harmony with all levels of person’s mulch-dimensional being with “all their relations” using symptoms and health challenges as “vehicles of information and opportunity” in this pursuit.

Q. How have you used adversity in your life to fuel your commitment to balance and wellness?
as a wake-up call to greater consciousness, spiritual growth and learning how to more skillfully access and use the inherent transformation wisdom power that lives within us all.

Q. How do you stay healthy, resilient and vibrant?
regular health practices that work mind, body, heart  and spirit;  meditation, yoga stretching, prayer and ceremony, yearly vision quests, hiking, T’ai Chi and chi kung, gym 3 times per week, healthy nutrition.

Q. What tips do you recommend for your clients dealing with / healing from illness?
follow the 5 keys to fruitful aging that i talk about in my book on Fruitful Aging –
1. REVISION – Your mortality to create an ally
relationship that empowers living.
2. RECLAIM & REPAIR –  Wisdom of your life through a “Harvesting Review Process” that taps into the power of love to heal wounded relationships.
3. REALIZE  (and Re-Vitalize)– The Vision and Purpose of your Heart Path Mission & Live Your Legacy.
4. REAWAKEN – Creativity and courage to generate meaningful self-expression and service in the world.
5. REALIZE –Your highest potential by growing your spiritual maturity and intelligence.

Q. If there was only one thing a person could find the energy and resources to make a priority what would it be?
Create a gratitude practice with whatever your sense of the creative power of the universe is which is the ultimate source of whatever it is that you are thankful for.

King TomTom Pinkson, Ph. D.,  serves as a bridge builder, translating indigenous wisdom to bring forth the intelligence and creativity of Spiritual Awakening, Emotional Well Being, Healing, Health and High-Level Wellness, and Living In Harmonious Balance with Mother Earth and the Circle of Life.

He is a psychologist, author, ceremonial retreat and vision-fast leader,  sacred storyteller, musician and spiritual guide. Tom completed an 11 year apprenticeship with Huichol shamans in Mexico. He helped start the first at-home Hospice program in the United States. For 32 years  he worked with terminally ill children and families at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in California successfully integrating the wisdom teachings of the Huichol and other medicine teachers into the world of the practicing psychologist.  Tom is founder of Wakan, a nonprofit organization committed to restoring the sacred in daily life and Recognition Rites Honoring Elders Program based on his latest book, Fruitful Aging: Finding the Gold in the Golden Years. He lives in Northern California with his wife Andrea of 44 years  enjoying his grown children and their families.