Greetings Everyone,Lindsay-Pera-_-field
As many of you know, the roots of Full Circle Wellness come from my personal experience with chronic illness and my practice of Chronic Wellness. I continue to work with and support others who are on the path to Chronic Wellness on my sister-site, Chronic Wellness Tools. But what is “Chronic Wellness” anyway?

Recently, I created a short video for our Indiegogo campaign for Chronic Wellness Tools where I talk about Chronic Wellness and why it’s so important to me. The video is in the “quick-draw” animated style, and I hope that it helps us to raise awareness and support for our project (please check out the campaign here). The beauty of Indiegogo is that provides a platform for us all to work together toward a common goal. I hope you will check it out and feel inspired to share my campaign far and wide.

My dream with Full Circle Wellness Tools is to expand the definition of Chronic Wellness to include all the factors that are part of a fulfilling life, and to inspire personal and social transformation through increased self-awareness.

Join me!

In gratitude (and Chronic Wellness too!)
